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February Update 2023

Good morning and happy Friday!

We apologize for the lateness of the February newsletter but we have had a lot going on the past few weeks. We have a few updates we are excited to share with you all!

1. Bright Future Scholarships!!

We are announcing our winners for this year's Bright Future scholarships soon! Once we have finalized the winners, we will send another email highlighting these scholars and their ambitions. Pray for these students that this scholarship helps them to take a step closer to their goals and for God to use them in big ways! Be on the lookout for the upcoming newsletter to celebrate these winners!

- Pray that God works through these students and grants them favor in their next chapter.

2. Women's Bible Study

God has continued to do great things through the women's Bible study that has been meeting at the house in La Union. The women who gather come from various religious backgrounds, from Protestants to Catholics to Atheists, and God has been moving in and through each of them. One woman felt led to begin her Bible study at her house with the kids (6 in all) she takes care of! More on her below...

- Pray that God continues to work in and through these women to bring the light of the Gospel to themselves, their families, and those around them.

- Pray for those who come to have the eyes, ears, and feet of Jesus to pour back the love they are being filled with to their communities.

3. Blessing Martina

The woman that started her own Bible study is named Martina. She is taking care of six children, some hers and others her sisters. The reality for many families in Honduras, and countries like Honduras, is that many caregivers leave their towns and countries to find work elsewhere. Martina's sisters are currently out of the country to find work but have been unsuccessful. Martina's need for extra help came to light through the Bible study. Thus, we are using some funds to help support Martina by providing supplies and food.

- Pray that God multiplies our donation to bless Martina beyond measure.

- Pray that God continues to provide and uplift Martina as she cares for the children.

4. Sponsoring a teacher in La Union

We have been praying for opportunities to impact the community of La Union and have found an opportunity to help support an elementary teacher in La Union. We will use your gifts to help bless her and her classroom. Evidence is clear: a well-equipped teacher (from supplies to teaching skills) has the greatest effect on student growth. By supporting this teacher, we cannot only help encourage her (let's be honest, teaching is a mission-field in and of itself!) but also bless the many children she interacts with daily.

- Pray that God works through the teacher to bless each child she interacts with.

- Pray that God blesses these children's minds, hearts, and bodies and that they grow up knowing how much God loves them.

As you can see, God is doing incredible things and using all of you to do it! From your prayers to your financial support, we thank you for partnering with us to be a blessing to the community of La Union and beyond. We pray that God blesses YOU as you continue to bless us and others through your support. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, have ideas, or want to find ways to give or get involved.

PS: We would love to have anyone interested in visiting La Union this summer reach out!


Blessings, Alejandra + Austin Empowering to empower.

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